We are Hiring – Job Opportunities

We are in the process of hiring a new Preschool Director as well as Preschool teachers for the 2025-2026 school year (September 2025 to May 2026). The job description for the Preschool director is below. If you are interested in either job, please contact Associate Pastor Meegian Gossard at magossard@umcsc.com

LUMC Preschool Director’s Job Description


  • Provide general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the preschool program; administers, coordinates, schedules and ensures that the overall dimensions of the program are carried out.
  • Administer the day to day operation of the program in keeping with its policies and philosophy.
  • Ensure that policies and procedures are consistent with the principles of early childhood education.


  • Serve as a non-voting member of the Preschool Board (PB).
  • Prepare the annual budget, operate within it, and maintain accurate financial records (payroll, register, receipts) at all times. Present monthly reports to PB and Church Administrator.
  • Be available on site during the hours of 8:00 am – 2:00 pm for telephone and personal conferences with parents, to support the teaching staff, and to perform other administrative duties as necessary.
  • Provide timely response to calls, texts and emails within published turnaround times. Contacts receive by 11:00 am will be responded to in the same business day; contacts after 11:00 am will be responded to by the next business day.
  • Serve as a liaison between the PB and the preschool, the Church and the preschool, and the community and the preschool.
  • Be available to assist teachers as needed with classroom management, parent involvement and areas of concern.
  • Prepare, update and provide a handbook for parents to familiarize them with the policies and customs of our program.
  • Maintain all records/forms for each student enrolled as well as paid staff. These will include but not be limited to registrations, employment applications, reviews, and required forms that may be requested from time to time (e.g. health forms, background check requests).
  • Plan and conduct morning staff meetings on days/times established between the Director and staff members.
  • Plan and coordinate all preschool events throughout the school year with the assistance of teachers and parents as available.
  • Maintain inventory and purchase preschool supplies/snacks as needed.

Preschool Staff

  • Interview, hire and train all preschool staff after approval to hire has been obtained from the PB and the Church Staff/Parish Relations Committee (SPRC).
  • Monitor the success of new hires and other staff members to include counseling and termination when warranted.
  • Encourage and support all preschool staff.
  • Maintain records of training and continuing education to include but not be limited to preschool policies and procedures, Safe Sanctuary policy, First Aid/CPR for all preschool staff.
  • Ensure that all new staff members have been cleared by a background check and that they have current, required immunizations.
  • Maintain the required pool of substitute teachers to ensure the continuity of the program in cases where the assigned teachers are not available.


  • Aggressively publish the registration information for new students to parents, church members and the community to ensure that enrollment goals are met and maintained.
  • Provide tours to prospective families.
  • Follow the preschool policy for enrolling children, placing them in appropriate age level classes.
  • Maintain required student/teacher ratios.
  • Become familiar with all children.
  • Foster the faith development of the children; nurturing them in Christian beliefs.
  • Keep the value of a Christian education approach to programs for small children always in focus.
  • Working with teachers in the development of individual class plans, assure that each child is learning at his/her own pace in a safe environment.
  • Keep up to date with curriculum changes to stay on the forefront of early childhood education to adequately prepare our preschoolers for kindergarten.

LUMC Staff

  • Maintain a close working partnership with the Pastor and all other church staff.
  • Attend PB, church staff and Church Council meetings to keep others aware of the needs and successes of the preschool.
  • Coordinate the use of shared spaces and equipment with church staff.
  • Work with LUMC trustees by reporting any building, supplies or security needs/issues.

Job Skills

  • Maintain a working knowledge of computer programs/systems needed to perform the day to day functions of the Director’s position. These include but are not limited to Word, Excel, ShelbyNext, Quickbooks Online, and the church phone system.
  • Good Communication skills. In all written communications be certain that grammar, spelling and formatting presents the highest level of accuracy and professionalism.
  • Set a professional example for all individuals encountered to include teachers, church staff, parents and children.

Job description revised 2/19/2025. For more information or to apply, contact Associate Pastor Meegian Gossard at magossard@umcsc.com